The “Coming Soon” label on your WordPress site might raise questions about its readiness for launch. Let’s delve into the reasons behind this status and how to navigate through it.

Understanding the Delay in Site Launch

Your site’s “Coming Soon” phase typically occurs during active development or redesign. It’s a deliberate step taken to conceal the unfinished website while final touches, content additions, or configurations are underway.

Often, this phase is intentional, ensuring that visitors do not stumble upon an incomplete site.

What is the WordPress Coming Soon Theme?

WordPress offers specialized “Coming Soon” themes tailored explicitly for pre-launch phases. These themes provide visually appealing placeholders, enabling customization and interaction with potential visitors. They often include features to gather emails, generate anticipation, and update visitors about the impending launch.

Choosing the right theme aligning with your site’s design and functionalities is pivotal for effective communication with your audience.

Why Is My Site Not Launching on WordPress?

Several factors could stall a WordPress site’s launch. Pending configurations, incomplete development, or unintentionally setting the site to maintenance mode can contribute to the prolonged “Coming Soon” status.

Reviewing settings, ensuring completion of necessary configurations, and checking maintenance mode settings can resolve these issues.

Discover how to remove coming soon page in this video

How Do I Get Rid of the Announcement Bar in WordPress?

The announcement bar, prevalent on “Coming Soon” pages, may require customization or removal depending on the theme or plugin in use. Accessing theme settings or plugin options typically allows for adjustments or removal of this bar.

Themes or plugins often provide options to toggle the announcement bar, customize its appearance, or adjust its messaging.

How Do I Get “Coming Soon” Without a Plugin in WordPress?

Crafting a “Coming Soon” page manually without relying on plugins involves utilizing HTML, CSS, and potentially JavaScript. This method allows you to create a simple yet effective placeholder, keeping your site hidden until it’s fully prepared for launch.

Familiarity with coding languages is essential for this approach, which may involve creating a separate HTML page or modifying existing theme templates.


Encountering the “Coming Soon” label on your WordPress site is part of the website development process. Understanding its purpose, exploring theme options, and resolving any configuration issues are key steps to ensure a seamless transition from pre-launch to a live website.

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